What to consider


The most important thing to consider when choosing a mobility scooter, or any assistance aid, is whether the user has the confidence and ability to operate it as intended. While a mobility scooter allows someone to get around without too much physical exertion, they do need to be able to get on and off the scooter without assistance and be able to operate it in a way that’s safe for them and other pedestrians and road users.

As a first stop, it’s a good idea to chat with your occupational therapist about your ability to use a scooter. They’ll be able to help you understand the physical requirements and discuss how you can make the most of it as you go about your day.

In order to do the things you plan on doing with your mobility scooter, for example heading to the shops or visiting family, you need to be able to operate it safely. 

This includes being able to:

  • operate the hand controls and turn left and right
  • turn your head to look for pedestrians and traffic
  • have adequate vision and hearing to be aware of your surroundings
  • be able to react quickly and confidently in uncertain situations
  • be able to concentrate for the duration of your trip
  • be able to balance when travelling on a slope or uneven ground


You’ll also need to be able to get on and off the scooter without assistance, and walk short distances unaided or with a walking aid.

If you’re looking for a folding mobility scooter or a small scooter that dismantles, also think about whether you’ll be able to lift it into a car or if you’ll need assistance (and if they will be able to lift it).