Cura Alarms - Bed Pad (760 x 510 mm)

Key Features

Cordless Falls Monitor

  • Modern ergonomic design
  • Monitor up to 7 devices simultaneously - a single Premium pad / mat and up to 6 wireless devices.
  • Comes with batteries, durable ABS plastic enclosure and Caregiver Reset Key
  • Alarm memory and auto re-arm
  • Amber LED visual alarm indicator
  • Caregiver secure reset option
  • Battery operated or optional external plug pack
  • Up to 6 months battery life (nominal)
  • Easy to access battery compartment
  • Can be connected to a nurse call system
  • 3 selectable alarm tones
  • Easy thumbwheel adjustable alarm volume
  • “Pause” feature allows a caregiver to attend to the patient without setting the alarm off
  • Alerts for lost nurse call connection, lost AC power supply & low battery


Safety Features

  • Non resettable “Pad Signal Lost” warning
  • Caregiver secure reset option
  • All safety alerts sound even if alarm volume set to silent, including low battery, AC lost, pad signal lost, change pad (SafeTime) & nurse call lost
  • Cable strain relief & breakaway cord technology prevents damage & helps reduce risk of entanglement when used with Premium Pads & Mats


*Please note: 1 Transmitter (BEA007430) required for each cordless pad or mat.


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