Benefits of a shower or bedside commode

Showering and toileting safely is not just about good personal hygiene. The ability to bathe in peace or use the toilet unaided also increases freedom and independence.
At the same time, the bathroom is one of the riskiest areas of the home, particularly for seniors. Not only are people aged 65 or older more likely to experience a fall, but the risk of injury also rises.
The use of mobility aids such as a shower or bedside commode, along with changes to the way tasks are carried out, can help keep your loved one safe while maintaining their privacy.
Decrease the risk of falls in the bathroom
The bathroom represents one of the riskiest areas at home for anyone with mobility issues. Often the smallest room in the house, there is little floor space and lots of slippery, hard surfaces. Transfers can be difficult to carry out in such a confined area, particularly for people needing a wheelchair or walker.
A shower commode offers safety and support as it can be moved into position easily. This allows for the user to be transferred outside the bathroom, in an area with more space. They can then be moved into the bathroom safely for toileting and showering.
Improved personal hygiene
People who worry about falling in the shower may start to avoid bathing. This can be particularly the case with seniors who have already experienced a fall.
A shower commode can encourage the user to take a more active role in their personal hygiene by allowing them to feel safe and supported in the shower.
Increased independence and privacy
For people experiencing reduced mobility, needing help with tasks they were previously capable of doing on their own can be frustrating. This may particularly the case when it comes to personal hygiene.
One of the benefits of a shower commode is that they allow people to safely carry out these tasks with minimal help, particularly if they are able to wheel themselves.
Reduced risk of injury
For people recovering from an injury or similar, getting from their bed to the toilet can feel like a monumental task. And a fall or slip could delay recovery unnecessarily. The use of a bedside commode makes it much easier for someone to go to the toilet. This reduces the risk of a fall and re-injury as a result.
Adjustable height to suit mobility
Stiff joints and weakened muscles can make getting onto the toilet challenging. The height of the bedside commode can be adapted to suit the user, reducing strain on the lower legs, while the sturdy armrests provide additional support.